Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Thoroughly thrifting.

There is nothing I love more than going to a car boot!
If you're not from the UK, you're probably thinking... what the heck is a car boot!?
Well, a car boot is a huge field of stalls which are run by your average joe&&jane and they sell their own stuff.
It's basically a giant garage sale!
We always have a gigantic one here where I live!
I got every year BUT I didn't get to go this year!
Mikey and I planned to meet my mother and brother there and then spend the day frolicking around...
The day went wrong in every way possible! 

1. We woke up two hours late!
2. I found out that Mikey absolutely hates car boots but he didn't want to tell me!
*his dad told me as revenge for something Michael did*
3. By the time we got there... mum and Mathew had been around it so many times already...
4. We skipped breakfast to rush out so we so hungry!

Soooo we just went to a diner for breakfast and then went to the arcade for some fun!

You can get so many treasures there and I wish I did look now but there's one every weekend where I live anyway... a smaller one!
I got the all of the items that are used as props in the diptych at the top of this post! I called them treasures... my mum calls them junk!

Here are some other small finds from previous years!

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Have a lovely day!
Katy x