Monday, 9 July 2012


hush have been sending me catalogues... well, not so much catalogues but little leaflets in with their offers for about two years now. They always inspire me and make me want to buy their whole collection!
Their clothes and such are definitely geared more towards the relaxed, calm but chic woman. 
I guess the reason it appeals to me so much is because it just looks SO comfortable. Gorgeous. 
 The colours are mostly colours that I'd go for... very subtle, neutral shades. Grey, black, white, cream, khaki, navy... all of which are staples that go with 80% of other colours and patterns. 
What I also love is that their outfits can be used for Winter or Summer. Just add an extra pair of leggings and gloves or a scarf and some riding boots and you're fine for a stroll on a Winter's day!
 They do have the odd pattern on their items... mainly their dresses and pyjamas but if you read my blog... you'll know I LOVE anything to do with birds and my wardrobe mainly consists of bird-printed items or birdcages. I would love this dress above as it's very pretty!
Speaking of their pyjamas...
How cute! This is my favourite style of pyjamas! I love them so much! And as the weather is so humid here lately... those shorts are a MUST! 

And yes, as you can see... they also do accessories, soaps, household items, chocolate, hot cocoa AND tea. 
I'm in love with this site!
It does seem a bit pricey but believe me... it's worth it. They have a sale on at the moment so take advantage of it!
My next purchase will be those soaps and teas!
Visit it here and remember to click the X button at some point. I know it'll be hard to leave but your credit card or bank balance will appreciate it!

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Have a lovely day!
Katy x